Architecting Success: Best Practices for Implementing AWS Control Tower

As organizations increasingly migrate their workloads to the cloud, effective cloud governance becomes paramount. AWS Control Tower is a comprehensive service designed to simplify and scale the setup and management of a secure and compliant multi-account AWS environment. To leverage the full potential of AWS Control Tower, it’s essential to follow best practices that optimize operations, strengthen security, and achieve compliance. In this blog post, we’ll explore key best practices for using AWS Control Tower.

Best practices

As we discussed about AWS Control Tower, it is used for managing multiple AWS accounts based on best practices. Let’s discuss some important best practices of the AWS control tower:

Custom Landing Zone Blueprints

Landing Zone Blueprints are essentially templates or configurations that organizations can use to customize their AWS Control Tower landing zones. These blueprints allow organizations to align their AWS environment with their unique security and compliance requirements. For more about the landing zone follow the blog. The following points should be taken care of while setting up Control Tower:

  • Setting Up in the AWS Organization Account: AWS Control Tower should be set up in the account where you have established the AWS organization, often referred to as the root account or management account.
  • Avoid Workload Deployment in the Management Account: It is advisable to avoid deploying any workloads in the management account.
  • Central Audit and Logging Features: AWS Control Tower provides central audit and logging features and should be set up in separate accounts.
  • When setting up AWS Control Tower, it is advisable to use a KMS key for encrypting data.

Use AWS Organizations

Leverage AWS Organizations to create and manage a multi-account environment. Organize accounts based on your organizational structure and compliance needs.

Use Blueprints for Account Provisioning

Leverage AWS Control Tower’s account factory and account vending to provision new accounts using blueprints. Blueprints are predefined templates that encapsulate your organization’s best practices, ensuring consistency and adherence to standards across all accounts. Customize blueprints to match your organization’s specific requirements.

Insights for Consideration

  • You can customize the blueprints to include specific resources and configurations based on your unique needs.
  • You can leverage AWS CloudFormation templates within the blueprints for more complex configurations.
  • You can use service catalogs to offer pre-approved blueprints to users for self-service provisioning.

Enable Single Sign-On (SSO)

Managing access across multiple AWS accounts can be challenging, both for administrators assigning permissions and for users navigating different accounts. AWS addresses this issue through the IAM Identity Center Administrator, offering a centralized solution within the AWS Organization. This enables administrators to grant access to users across various accounts, eliminating the need for users to log in and out of multiple accounts.

IAM Identity Center also provides the advantage of a temporary credentials system, removing the necessity of creating and managing access and secret access keys for programmatic access.


When setting up AWS Control Tower, you can manage the IAM Identity Center from the management account. However, best practices recommend against handling access control directly from the management account. AWS provides a feature that allows you to designate any account as a delegate admin for the IAM Identity Center. By creating a delegate admin for the IAM Identity Center, you can perform all access control-related tasks from that account, excluding the management account. This approach eliminates the need to grant access to the management account to the user management team, enhancing security and adhering to best practices.

Utilize AWS Organizations Features

Leverage AWS Organizations features to manage multiple accounts efficiently. Implement service control policies (SCPs) to set fine-grained permissions at the organization level. This helps enforce security and compliance across all linked accounts.

Some restrictions must be implemented via SCPs such as:

  • Restrict the creation of root user access keys and secret access keys.
  • Also, restrict the use of the root username and password.
  • Avoid accidental deletion of backups.
  • Allow users to create their resources only in predefined regions.
  • Permit only specific users to delete requests on AWS KMS keys.
  • Impose restrictions on AWS accounts when leaving the AWS organization.

The SCPs are implemented at the organizational unit/AWS account level, making it easier for us to impose restrictions on specific access that should be avoided.

Logging & Monitoring

Securely managing a multi-account AWS environment with Control Tower hinges on two critical best practices: comprehensive logging and vigilant monitoring. Let’s explore how these go hand-in-hand within the Control Tower structure.

Centralized Logging for Clear Visibility:

  • The log archive account is used to collect logs from all accounts into an Amazon S3 bucket. Administrators and auditors can access this central location for easier management.
  • Review user actions and system events: Gain crucial insights into activity across your entire Control Tower environment.
  • Simplify troubleshooting: Quickly identify the root cause of multi-point failures by analyzing centralized logs.

Beyond Control Tower: Casting a Wide Monitoring Net:

  • Collect data from everywhere: Don’t limit yourself to Control Tower’s built-in monitoring. Proactively collect data from all aspects of your AWS setup, including EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and any custom applications. This holistic approach ensures no security gaps go unnoticed.
  • Leverage AWS monitoring tools: Take advantage of services like CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and Security Hub to aggregate and analyze monitoring data from diverse sources.
  • Focus on controls and accounts: Attention to the health and status of Control Tower’s built-in controls and accounts provisioned through Account Factory. Constant monitoring allows for swift correction of deviations from the desired security posture.


  • Enhanced security: Timely detection and response to potential security threats become effortless with comprehensive logging and monitoring.
  • Greater transparency and accountability: Centralized logging provides a clear audit trail for user actions and system events, fostering trust and compliance.

Integrate AWS Security Hub

AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of your security posture across multiple AWS accounts. Integrate Security Hub with AWS Control Tower to centralize and automate security findings from various AWS services. Leverage Security Hub’s insights to identify and remediate security issues promptly. Review Security Hub’s findings regularly and customize its settings to align with your organization’s security policies.

Security Hub

AWS Security Hub provides a centralized view of your security posture across multiple AWS accounts. When integrated with AWS Control Tower, it offers an even more comprehensive view of your security compliance and helps you identify and address potential security risks

Automate Security Assessments with AWS Inspector

AWS Inspector automates security assessments by analyzing the behavior of your AWS resources. Integrate AWS Inspector into your AWS Control Tower setup to perform regular vulnerability assessments and identify potential security risks. Configure Inspector rules packages to match your organization’s security standards and compliance requirements. Regularly run assessments to proactively address security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Implement Data Encryption Best Practices

Enhance data security by implementing encryption best practices. Utilize AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for managing encryption keys and enable encryption for data at rest and in transit. Regularly review and update encryption configurations to align with evolving security requirements.

Invest in Training and Documentation

Ensure that your team is well-trained on AWS Control Tower and its associated services. Develop and maintain documentation that outlines best practices, procedures, and troubleshooting steps. This knowledge transfer is crucial for efficient day-to-day operations and response to incidents.

Conclusion: Optimize Your Cloud Governance with AWS Control Tower

In today’s dynamic cloud landscape, effective cloud governance is essential for ensuring security, compliance, and operational efficiency. AWS Control Tower provides a comprehensive framework to manage and govern your multi-account AWS environment at scale, simplifying operations and enhancing your overall cloud experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Implementing best practices for planning your landing zone, using blueprints, and establishing guardrails is crucial for a well-governed AWS environment.
  • Leveraging AWS services like Single Sign-On, Security Hub, Inspector, and CloudTrail provides deeper insights into your security posture and helps you maintain compliance.
  • Regularly monitoring and updating configurations, investing in training, and establishing incident response procedures are essential for continuous improvement and proactive risk mitigation.

Call to Action

Ready to optimize your cloud governance and unlock the full potential of AWS Control Tower? Take the following steps:

  • Assess your current cloud environment: Identify existing challenges and opportunities to improve your governance practices.
  • Develop a clear strategy: Define your desired security posture, compliance requirements, and operational goals.
  • Start small and scale gradually: Begin with implementing essential best practices and gradually expand your use of AWS Control Tower features.
  • Seek expert guidance: Utilize AWS documentation, support resources, and professional services to gain a deeper understanding and optimize your implementation.

Blog Pundits:  Pankaj Kumar and Sandeep Rawat

OpsTree is an End-to-End DevOps Solution Provider.

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