Navigating AWS FinOps: Harnessing Cloud Intelligence Dashboards for Strategic Cost Optimization

The Cloud Intelligence Dashboards represent an open-source framework crafted and nurtured by a dedicated community of AWS enthusiasts. These dashboards are designed to deliver actionable insights and scalability for organizations, with a focus on customer satisfaction. The functionalities of these dashboards extend to fostering financial accountability, optimizing costs, monitoring usage goals, implementing governance best practices, and attaining operational excellence across all Well-Architected pillars. It includes multiple dashboards:

  • CUDOS Dashboard
  • Cost Intelligence Dashboard
  • KPI Dashboard
  • TAO Dashboard
  • Compute Optimizer Dashboard
  • Cost Anomaly Dashboard
CUDOS Dashboard

The CUDOS Dashboard offers comprehensive overviews and operational insights, allowing users to delve into resource-specific details. Users can discover automatically generated recommendations for cost optimization and actionable insights within the CUDOS Dashboard. These insights readily apply to FinOps practitioners, Product Owners, and Engineering teams. The dashboard facilitates swift identification of usage spikes and reveals uncertainties in AWS consumption, highlighting specific resources that can be optimized.

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Architecting Success: Best Practices for Implementing AWS Control Tower

As organizations increasingly migrate their workloads to the cloud, effective cloud governance becomes paramount. AWS Control Tower is a comprehensive service designed to simplify and scale the setup and management of a secure and compliant multi-account AWS environment. To leverage the full potential of AWS Control Tower, it’s essential to follow best practices that optimize operations, strengthen security, and achieve compliance. In this blog post, we’ll explore key best practices for using AWS Control Tower.

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Mastering AWS RDS Backups: Navigating Encryption Challenges with AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

In today’s cloud-centric landscape, businesses are increasingly adopting multi-account, multi-region AWS (Amazon Web Services) architectures for their applications. While this approach offers numerous benefits, it also introduces complex challenges when it comes to managing backups for Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) instances across multiple accounts and regions. In this blog post, we will delve into these challenges and explore effective solutions for securing your RDS data.

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Group-Based Authorization in GitLab

Why Group-Based?

In an organization, there are multiple projects, and every project has multiple users every user has a different role to perform, based on the role whether he is owner, maintainer, developer, reporter, or guest we assign the role to that user, but the main problem is that when we have to use those users to the different project then we have to do all the same task again. There is a better way to manage users in GitLab by creating groups and assigning those groups to the project.

What is GitLab Group?

In GitLab, we use groups to manage one or more related projects at the same time. We can use groups to manage permissions for your projects. If someone has access to the group, they get access to all the projects in the group. We can also view all of the issues and merge requests for the projects in the group, and view analytics that shows the group’s activity. We can also create subgroups in a group.

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