Fasten Docker build

Gif for Fasten Docker Build


Recently I started working on a microservices project, as a DevOps engineer my responsibility was to ensure smooth build and release of the project. One of the challenges that I was facing was the image building process of the projects was painfully slow. Following true Opstree spirit of continuous improvement I started exploring how I can fix this problem and finally got a decent success, I was able to reduce docker image build time from 4 minutes to 20 seconds. In this blog, I would like to showcase various ways through which image building can be reduced drastically.

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Create Your Own Container Using Linux Namespaces Part-1.

In this lock-down, everyone has to maintain a social distance and in this trying time, we can learn from docker to isolate ourselves. So before that, we need to learn how docker does it?
The best approach to learn is to simulate it. For that, we’ll be creating our own container tool for the application to isolate itself.

Self isolation | SpongeBob SquarePants | Know Your Meme


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Raktbeej Proxy

All we could think of imagining a routine day of a NOC guy is looking at all the fancy and colorful multiple screens around, but is this all it?

The answer to the above statement is NO! As a NOC, We have access to the information that is critical to analyze and plot company infra strength and on top of that, access to the servers and protected network makes the situation more critical if thing happens to be in wrong hands.

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Recap Amrita InCTF 2019 | Part 2


Amrita InCTF 10th Edition is an offline CTF(Capture the Flag) event hosted by Amrita University. In our previous blog, we discussed about talks from the first day. In this we’ll share some lights on the talks from second day.

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