Cloud Cost Estimation with Infracost


Estimating costs can be a nightmare for many enterprises. Cloud cost estimation is important for organizations to plan their budget and forecast expenses accurately. It is essential to monitor and analyze cloud usage regularly to optimize cloud spending and avoid unexpected expenses.

This process is very time-consuming, so there was a need for change. With Terraform, you can easily estimate cloud costs by leveraging Infracost, and you can easily compare potential bills between different vendors.

Working with cloud providers and DevOps is all about speed, efficiency, and cost management.

Infracost is a tool that is used to figure out how much the cloud resources will cost.

What is Infracost?

Infracost is a super cool tool that lets you calculate the cost of your Terraform resources on AWS, GCP, or Microsoft Azure before you even hit deploy. This enables you to see cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests.

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