IaC Security Analysis: Checkov vs. tfsec vs. Terrascan – A Comparative Evaluation

Code (IaC), security, and compliance are gaining more importance in the ever-evolving infrastructure landscape. As organizations increasingly rely on cloud infrastructure, the need for robust scanning tools to detect misconfigurations and vulnerabilities becomes even more critical. Among the leading contenders in this arena are Checkov, tfsec, and Terrascan. Each tool brings its own set of features, strengths, and approaches to IaC scanning.

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Cloud or On-Premise IT Infrastructure: What’s Right for You?

In today’s digital era, businesses face a critical decision when it comes to their IT infrastructure: By the way, should they settle for cloud-based software or be with an on-site server? Every one of the possible alternatives has a specific benefit-cost mode. Overall, the right decision should be made based on the concrete situation, objectives and resources of an organization. Here, in this blog, we’ll take a look at the critical elements that must be taken into account when choosing the infrastructure for cloud migration and implementation: in between cloud or on-premise IT infrastructure.

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Migrate Azure to AWS using Application Migration Service

Cloud migration is the strategic process of moving an organization’s digital assets, including data, applications, and services, from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based platforms.

This transition unlocks scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency by harnessing the resources and services offered by cloud providers.

Successful migration entails meticulous planning, seamless data transfer, meticulous application reconfiguration, and post-migration optimization. These steps collectively ensure a smooth transition, bolstering technological agility and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

In this blog post let us learn about migration process in detail:

What is AWS Application Migration Service?

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Istio Circuit Breaker – When Failure is a Better Option

What is a Circuit Breaker?

We often hear that electronic devices may cease to function due to a circuit break. Essentially, a circuit breaker is an electronic switch designed to safeguard an electronic circuit from damage caused by overcurrent, overload, or short circuit. Its primary function is to interrupt the flow of current after detecting a fault through protective measures.

What is a Circuit Breaker in Microservices Architecture?

As we discussed, the concept of a circuit breaker in terms of electronic devices. Similarly, we need to implement a circuit breaker in microservices architecture. The question arises: why do we need a circuit breaker in microservices architecture and how can we implement it? Let’s illustrate with an example.

In the above diagram, we can observe several microservices and their dependencies on each other. Service A depends on service B, and service B depends on services F and E. Service F relies on a third-party application over which we have no control.

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Strategies for Monitoring Cloud-Based Data Processing

In the modern digital era, efficient data processing has become essential for businesses to gain insights, make informed decisions and stay competitive. The rise of cloud computing and cloud migration leads to the origin of cloud-based data processing solutions with high scalability, flexibility and cost effectiveness. These are used by enterprises to handle massive volumes of data.

However, maintaining the structure and performance of these cloud-based systems requires continuous monitoring of the system as well as careful planning of the implementation process. Here, in this blog, we’ll we’ll delve into key strategies for effectively monitoring cloud-based data processing.

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