Strategies for Monitoring Cloud-Based Data Processing

In the modern digital era, efficient data processing has become essential for businesses to gain insights, make informed decisions and stay competitive. The rise of cloud computing and cloud migration leads to the origin of cloud-based data processing solutions with high scalability, flexibility and cost effectiveness. These are used by enterprises to handle massive volumes of data.

However, maintaining the structure and performance of these cloud-based systems requires continuous monitoring of the system as well as careful planning of the implementation process. Here, in this blog, we’ll we’ll delve into key strategies for effectively monitoring cloud-based data processing.

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The Role of an Internal DevSecOps Platform in the Digital Age

Explore the compelling reasons why businesses across industries are embracing Internal Developer Platform Solutions, here, in this blog!

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How to Adopt Shift Left Security on the Cloud?

Explore the principles, tools and best practices that empower you to fortify your cloud-based infrastructure & applications and dynamic pipelines safeguarding your digital assets.

In an era where cloud computing reigns supreme, the concept of security has undergone a profound transformation. As businesses rapidly migrate their operations and data to the cloud, the need to secure this digital frontier becomes increasingly paramount. Enter “Shift Left Security,” a paradigm shift in cybersecurity that places the emphasis on prevention and early detection rather than reaction. In this blog, we’ll delve into the essential strategies and practices that enable organizations to adopt Shift Left Security seamlessly in their cloud environments.

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Terraform CI-CD With Azure DevOps

Let’s consider a scenario in which you are deploying your infrastructure using a Terraform code (infrastructure-as-code) which is stored in a remote git repository. Now working in an organization you need to make sure that all your deployments are always tracked without an exception, an add-on to that whether your Terraform code is following your security and compliance policies or not. Or maybe what is the monthly cost that you can expect with that infra and whether it lies under your budget or not. You may also want to take note that all your resources are being created in the same region… etc… etc.

Sounds magical right !!! We all know that these concerns are very important when you’re looking for a highly consistent, fully tracked, and automated approach. That’s why in this article we are going to look for a simple step-by-step way to automate and streamline our Terraform code using Azure DevOps (ADO).

Soo… Let’s Get Started !!!

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AWS Elastic Network Interface

Networking plays an important role in connecting the components of infrastructure. AWS networking feature works with various types of workloads and provides security, availability, and manageability. Now as most of the IT companies are working on cloud environments for cost reduction, high availability, data security, we are getting some interesting networking features as services. We can manage these quite easily too. Among those services is Elastic Network Interface (ENI) which we get by default when we create an EC2 instance on AWS and can be seen while the instance is being created. It may surprise many of us that the security group is attached to this elastic network interface.

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