Nifi and Zookeeper Cluster Setup with Terraform

Recently while trying to set up Apache Nifi in cluster mode manually, I faced the challenge of performing same tasks on all nodes manually. In addition configuring the right cluster configurations was not easy. In my last blog here, I have covered the advantages of having nifi cluster over standalone and the manual steps to configure a Nifi cluster with external zookeeper.
In this article, I will show you how you can set up a three-node Zookeeper and Nifi cluster with terraform which will minimize the steps we have to perform with manual setup.

Apache NiFi is an open-source data integration and automation tool that enables the automation of data flow between different systems. NiFi provides a user-friendly interface to design, control, and manage the flow of data between various sources and destinations. The tool is particularly useful in handling data from different sources, applying transformations, and routing it to different systems in real-time.

Advantage of Using Terraform for Nifi

Terraform allows you to define your NiFi cluster infrastructure as code, making it easily versioned, shareable, and easy to understand. This ensures that your infrastructure is consistent across different environments. This helps in maintaining consistency and reducing the chances of configuration drift. As your NiFi cluster requirements evolve, Terraform makes it simple to scale your infrastructure up or down by adjusting the configuration.

Setting Up Apache Nifi Cluster with External Zookeeper

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Deploying Azure Policy using Terraform Module

While working on Azure, you might come across a requirement that says the resources being deployed should be in accordance with the organization’s policies. Suppose you might want to grant a particular or a set of permissions on the resource group or on the management group so that the owner of it should be restricted like denying deploying of resources by enforcing resource tagging, region enforcement, allowing approved Virtual machines (VM) images, and many more. 

In this blog, we will try to resolve these issues by applying Azure policies. 

First, let’s get familiar with the azure policy.

The azure policy is a service that has been designed to help you enforce different rules and to act based on the rule’s effect on your Azure resources. You can use it to create, assign and manage policies. Azure policy evaluates your resources for non-compliance with assigned policies and performs the assigned effect. 

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Active-Active Infrastructure using Terraform and Jenkins on Microsoft Azure

In this blog, we will create an active-active infrastructure on Microsoft Azure using Terraform and Jenkins.

Prime Reasons to have an active-active set-up of your infrastructure

Disaster Recovery:

Disaster recovery (DR) is an organization’s method of regaining access and functionality to its IT infrastructure after events like a natural disaster, cyber attack, or even business disruptions just like during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Ensure business resilience
    No matter what happens, a good DR plan can ensure that the business can return to full operations rapidly, without losing data or transactions.
  • Maintain competitiveness
    Loyalty is rare and when a business goes offline, customers turn to competitors to get the goods or services they require. A DR plan prevents this.
  • Avoid data loss
    The longer a business’s systems are down, the greater the risk that data will be lost. A robust DR plan minimizes this risk.
  • Maintain reputation
    A business that has trouble resuming operations after an outage can suffer brand damage. For that reason, a solid DR plan is critical.
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Terraform Version Upgrade

Starting the blog with the question – What is Terraform?

It can be called a magic wand that creates Infrastructure on the basis of the code that you write. 

In Hashicorp’s words, “Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as A Code software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure.

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Terraform CI-CD With Azure DevOps

Let’s consider a scenario in which you are deploying your infrastructure using a Terraform code (infrastructure-as-code) which is stored in a remote git repository. Now working in an organization you need to make sure that all your deployments are always tracked without an exception, an add-on to that whether your Terraform code is following your security and compliance policies or not. Or maybe what is the monthly cost that you can expect with that infra and whether it lies under your budget or not. You may also want to take note that all your resources are being created in the same region… etc… etc.

Sounds magical right !!! We all know that these concerns are very important when you’re looking for a highly consistent, fully tracked, and automated approach. That’s why in this article we are going to look for a simple step-by-step way to automate and streamline our Terraform code using Azure DevOps (ADO).

Soo… Let’s Get Started !!!

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