Enabling CORS on Azure APIM

Before we start on How to enable CORS in Azure API management service, let’s discuss the Azure APIM briefly –

What is Azure API Management?

Azure API Management is a comprehensive platform provided by Microsoft Azure that allows organizations to create, publish, secure, and analyze APIs. Whether you’re exposing APIs to external developers or managing internal APIs within your organization, Azure APIM simplifies the process and offers a range of features to ensure your APIs are both accessible and secure.

Key Features of Azure APIM:

1. API Gateway: Azure APIM acts as a gateway between your APIs and consumers. It handles requests, routing, and caching, improving API performance and reliability.

2. Security and Authentication: Secure your APIs with authentication, authorization, and OAuth support. Set up rate limiting and IP filtering to protect against abuse.

3. Developer Portal: Provide a developer-friendly portal where external developers can discover and consume your APIs. Publish documentation, code samples, and interactive API testing tools.

Continue reading “Enabling CORS on Azure APIM”

Azure CDN

How it works?

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a CDN service provided by Azure Cloud Platform that enables storing and accessing data on different content servers and locations – used by online or cloud services.  A CDN store the content cached on the edge servers that are available in the POP locations to reduce latency. Azure CDN is important for us which requires multiple hits to boost up the process of our applications.

Benefits of using Azure CDN –

  • Better performance and improved user experience for end users
  • Large scaling to better handle instant high loads
  • Distribution of user requests and serving of content directly from edge servers so that less traffic gets sent to the origin server.
Continue reading “Azure CDN”