How to implement CI/CD using AWS CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline

As we know that CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) is inevitable process in our DevOps culture , we should always look for a better .. more efficient solution to implement the same.

CI/CD gives us the capability to continuously integrate code changes, test it , deploy it and having continuous feedback which helps us to accelerate our development speed , off-course it reduces time in testing perspective and it helps you to make your releases streamline.

So you dont have to worry about anything except CODING as CI/CD will take care of everything for you. 🙂
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Why We Should Use Transit & Direct Connect Gateways!


In everyone’s career path, this particular situation always comes when we think that everything will work out fine when, suddenly, out of the blue, we realize that a big issue is waiting to happen. We freak out about what are we gonna do before this issue knocks at your door ..Right? 

Something similar happened to me some time ago, so let me cut to the chase. 🙂

I will explain why there is benefit in using transit and direct connect gateways by telling you what issues we faced without it.

Continue reading “Why We Should Use Transit & Direct Connect Gateways!”