Create Your Own Container Using Linux Namespaces Part-1.

In this lock-down, everyone has to maintain a social distance and in this trying time, we can learn from docker to isolate ourselves. So before that, we need to learn how docker does it?
The best approach to learn is to simulate it. For that, we’ll be creating our own container tool for the application to isolate itself.

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Linux Namespaces – Part 2

Before talking about the types of namespaces we are assuming that you have gone through our First Part of Linux Namespaces, if not you can check it here.


Types of Namespaces

So Basically we have seven types of Linux Namespaces:-
  1. CGroups:- Basically cgroups virtualize the view of process’s cgroups in /proc/[pid]/cgroups. Whenever a process creates a new cgroup it enters in a new namespace in which all current directories become cgroup root directories of the new namespace. So we can say that it isolates cgroup root directory.
  2. IPC(Interpolation Communication):- This namespace isolates interpolation communication. For example, In Linux, we have System V IPC(A communication mechanism) and Posfix (for message queues) which allows processes to exchange data in form of communication. So in simple words, we can say that IPC namespace isolates communication.
  3. Network:- This namespace isolates systems related to the network. For example:- network devices, IP protocols, Firewall Rules (That’s why we can use the single port with single service )
  4. Mount:- This namespace isolates mount points that can be seen by processes in each namespace. In simple words, you can take an example of filesystem mounting in which we can mount only one device or partition on a mount-point.
  5. PID:- This namespace isolates the PID. (In this child processes cannot see or trace the parent process but parent process can see or trace the child processes of the namespace. Processes in different PID namespace can have same PID.)
  6. User:- This namespace isolates security related identifier like group id and user id. In simple words, we can say that the process’s group and user id has full privilege inside the namespace but not outside the namespace.
  7. UTS:- This namespace provides the isolation on hostname and domain name. It means processes has a separate copy of domain name or hostname so while changing hostname or domain name it will not affect the rest of the system.

Namespace Management

This is the most advanced topic of Linux namespaces which should be done on kernel level. For the namespace management, you have to write a C program.
For management of namespace, we have these functions available in Linux:-
  • clone():-  If we use standalone clone() it will create a new process only, but if we pass one or more flags like CLONE_NEW*, then the new namespace will be created and child process will become the member of it.
  • setns():- This allows joining existing namespace. The namespace is specified by the file descriptor referenced to process.
  • unshare():- This allows calling process to disassociate from parts of current namespace. Basically, this function works on the processes that are being shared by other’s namespace as well for ex:- mount namespace.