Nginx monitoring using Telegraf/Prometheus/Grafana

Nginx is one of the most popular and widely used web servers mostly because of its speed and reliability. Nevertheless, it is paramount to keep track of the performance and availability that would help you to proactively prepare yourself for the worst scenarios like sudden/unexpected hikes in traffic. It will also keep you updated about the current state and health of your application.

This article will guide you on how to get Nginx Web Server metrics and visualize them. The main goal is a quick deployment and configuration using well-known open-source projects like Grafana, Prometheus, and Telegraf.

Prometheus: An open-source, time-series database for event monitoring and alerting managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Grafana: An Open-source project for analytics software and visualization of the metrics from any database.

Telegraf: An Open-source project, plugin-driven agent to collect and send metrics.

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