Linux Namespaces – Part 2

Before talking about the types of namespaces we are assuming that you have gone through our First Part of Linux Namespaces, if not you can check it here.


Types of Namespaces

So Basically we have seven types of Linux Namespaces:-
  1. CGroups:- Basically cgroups virtualize the view of process’s cgroups in /proc/[pid]/cgroups. Whenever a process creates a new cgroup it enters in a new namespace in which all current directories become cgroup root directories of the new namespace. So we can say that it isolates cgroup root directory.
  2. IPC(Interpolation Communication):- This namespace isolates interpolation communication. For example, In Linux, we have System V IPC(A communication mechanism) and Posfix (for message queues) which allows processes to exchange data in form of communication. So in simple words, we can say that IPC namespace isolates communication.
  3. Network:- This namespace isolates systems related to the network. For example:- network devices, IP protocols, Firewall Rules (That’s why we can use the single port with single service )
  4. Mount:- This namespace isolates mount points that can be seen by processes in each namespace. In simple words, you can take an example of filesystem mounting in which we can mount only one device or partition on a mount-point.
  5. PID:- This namespace isolates the PID. (In this child processes cannot see or trace the parent process but parent process can see or trace the child processes of the namespace. Processes in different PID namespace can have same PID.)
  6. User:- This namespace isolates security related identifier like group id and user id. In simple words, we can say that the process’s group and user id has full privilege inside the namespace but not outside the namespace.
  7. UTS:- This namespace provides the isolation on hostname and domain name. It means processes has a separate copy of domain name or hostname so while changing hostname or domain name it will not affect the rest of the system.

Namespace Management

This is the most advanced topic of Linux namespaces which should be done on kernel level. For the namespace management, you have to write a C program.
For management of namespace, we have these functions available in Linux:-
  • clone():-  If we use standalone clone() it will create a new process only, but if we pass one or more flags like CLONE_NEW*, then the new namespace will be created and child process will become the member of it.
  • setns():- This allows joining existing namespace. The namespace is specified by the file descriptor referenced to process.
  • unshare():- This allows calling process to disassociate from parts of current namespace. Basically, this function works on the processes that are being shared by other’s namespace as well for ex:- mount namespace.

Redis Best Practices and Performance Tuning

One of the thing that I love about my organization is that you don’t have to do the same repetitive work, you will always get the chance to explore some new technologies. The same chance came across to me a few days back when one of our clients was facing issue with Redis.
They were using the Redis Cluster with Sentinel for which they were facing issue regarding performance, whenever the connection request was high the Redis Cluster was not able to bear the load.
Since they were using a decent configuration of the server in terms of CPU and Memory but the result was the same. So now what????
The Answer was to tune the performance.

There are plenty of Redis performance articles out there, but I wanted to share my experience as a DevOps with Redis by creating an article which will include the most essential and important stuff that is needed for a Developer or a DevOps Engineer.

So let’s get started.


Keepalive is a method to allow the same TCP connection for HTTP conversation instead of opening a new one with each new request.

In simple words, if the keepalive is off the Redis will open a new connection for every request which will slow down its performance. If the keepalive is on then Redis will use the same TCP connection for requests.

Let’s see the graph for more details. The Red Bar shows the output when keepalive is on and Blue Bar shows the output when keepalive is off

For enabling the TCP keepalive, Edit the redis configuration and update this value.

vim /etc/redis/redis.conf
# Update the value to 0
tcp-keepalive 0


This feature could be your lifesaver in terms of Redis Performance. Pipelining facilitates a client to send multiple requests to the server without waiting for the replies at all and finally reads the reply in a single step.

For example:-


You can also see in the graph as well.

Pipelining will increase the performance of redis drastically.


Max-connection is the parameter in which is used to define the maximum connection limit to the Redis Server. You can set that value accordingly (Considering your server specification) with the following steps.

sudo vim /etc/rc.local

# make sure this line is just before of exit 0.
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=65365

This step requires the reboot if you don’t want to reboot the server execute the same sysctl command on the terminal itself.

Overcommit Memory

Overcommit memory is a kernel parameter which checks if the memory is available or not. If the overcommit memory value is 0 then there is a chance that your Redis will get OOM (Out of Memory) error. So do me a favor and change its value to 1 by using the following steps

echo 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf

RDB Persistence and Append Only File

RDB persistence and Append Only File options are used to persist data on disk. If you are using the cluster mode of Redis then the RDB persistence and AOF is not required. So simply comment out these lines in redis.conf

sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf

# Comment out these lines
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000

rdbcompression no
rdbchecksum no

appendonly no

Transparent Huge Page(THP)

Most of the people are not aware of this term. Basically, For making the translation of physical and virtual memory kernel uses the concept of paging. This feature was defined to enhance the memory mapping process but somehow it slows down the databases which are memory based (for example – in the case of Redis). To overcome this issue you can disable THP.

sudo vim /etc/rc.local # Add this line before exit 0 echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled

As graph also shows the difference in performance. The Red Bar is showing THP disabled performance and Blue Bar is showing THP disabled performance.

Some Other Basic Measures in Redis Configuration

Config Option




70% of the system

maxmemory should be 70 percent of the system so that it will not take all the resource of the server.



It adds a random key with an expiry time



Loglevel should be “notice”, so that log will not take too much resource



There should be a timeout value as well in redis configuration which prevents redis from spending too much time on the connection. It closes the connection of the client if it is ideal for more than 300 seconds.

So now your redis is ready to give a killer performance. In this blog, we have discussed redis best practices and performance tuning.
There are multiple factors which are yet to be explored to enhance the performance of Redis if you find that before I do, please let me know to improve this blog.

In my next blog, I will discuss around how can we do Redis Performance Testing and how we are doing it in our Organisation.

Resolving Segmentation Fault (“Core dumped”) in Ubuntu

This error may strike your Ubuntu at any point at the moment. A few days ago when I was doing my routine work in my Ubuntu laptop, suddenly I encountered with an error “Segmentation fault ( core dumped)” then I got to know that, this error can strike you Ubuntu or any other operating system at any point of the moment as binaries crashing doesn’t depend on us.  

Segmentation fault is when your system tries to access a page of memory that doesn’t exist. Core dumped means when a part of code tries to perform read and write operation on a read-only or free location. Segfaults are generally associated with the file named core and It generally happens during up-gradation.

While running some commands during the core-dump situation you may encounter with “Unable to open lock file” this is because the system is trying to capture a bit block which is not existing, This is due to the crashing of binaries of some specific programs.

You may do backtracking or debugging to resolve it but the solution is to repair the broken packages and we can do it by performing the below-mentioned steps:


Step 1: Remove the lock files present at different locations.

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock and restart your system h.cdccdc 

Step 2: Remove repository cache.

sudo apt-get clean all

Step 3: Update and upgrade your repository cache.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 4: Now upgrade your distribution, it will update your packages.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Step 5: Find the broken packages and delete them forcefully.

sudo dpkg -l | grep ^..r | apt-get purge

Apart from the command line, the best way which will always work is:

Step 1: Run Ubuntu in startup mode by pressing the Esc key after the restart.  

Step 2: Select Advanced options for Ubuntu

Step 3: Run Ubuntu in the recovery mode and you will be listed with many options.

Step 4: First select “Repair broken packages”

Step 5: Then select “Resume normal boot”

So, we have two methods of resolving segmentation fault: CLI and the GUI. Sometimes, it may also happen that the “apt” command is not working because of segfault, so our CLI method will not work, in that case also don’t worry as the GUI method gonna work for us always.

Best Practices for Writing a Shell Script

I am a lazy DevOps Engineer. So whenever I came across the same task more than 2 times I automate that. Although now we have many automation tools, still the first thing that hit into our mind for automation is bash or shell script.
After making a lot of mistakes and messy scripts :), I am sharing my experiences for writing a good shell script which not only looks good but also it will reduce the chances of error.

The things that every code should have:-
     – A minimum effort in the modification.
     – Your program should talk in itself, so you don’t have to explain it.
     – Reusability, Of course, I can’t write the same kind of script or program again and again.

I am a firm believer in learning by doing. So let’s create a problem statement for ourselves and then try to solve it via shell scripting with best practices :). I would like to have solutions in the comment section of this blog.

Problem Statement:- Write a shell script to install and uninstall a package(vim) depending on the arguments. The script should tell if the package is already installed. If no argument is passed it should print the help page.

So without wasting time let’s start for writing an awesome shell script. Here is the list of things that should always be taken care of while writing a shell script.

Lifespan of Script

If your script is procedural(each subsequent steps relies on the previous step to complete), do me a favor and add set -e in starting of the script so that the script exists on the first error. For example:-

set -e # Script exists on the first failure
set -x # For debugging purpose


Ahha, Functions are my most favorite part of programming. There is a saying

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. 

To achieve this always try to use functions and name them properly so that anyone can understand the function just by reading its name. Functions also provide the concept of re-usability. It also removes the duplicating of code, how? let’s see this

install_package() {
   local PACKAGE_NAME="$1"
   yum install "${PACKAGE_NAME}" -y
install_package "vim"

Command Sanity

Usually, scripts call other scripts or binary. When we are dealing with commands there are chances that commands will not be available on all systems. So my suggestion is to check them before proceeding.

check_package() {
    local PACKAGE_NAME="$1"
    if ! command -v "${PACKAGE_NAME}" > /dev/null 2>&1
           printf "${PACKAGE_NAME} is not installed.\n"
           printf "${PACKAGE_NAME} is already installed.\n"
check_package "vim"

Help Page

If you guys are familiar with Linux, you have certainly noticed that every Linux command has its help page. The same thing can be true for the script as well. It would be really helpful to include –help flag.

help_function() {
        printf "Usage:- ./script <option>\n"
        printf "Options:\n"
        printf " -a ==> Install all base softwares\n"
        printf " -r ==> Remove base softwares\n"
arg_checker() {
     if [ "${INITIAL_PARAMS}" == "--help" ]; then


Logging is the most critical thing for everyone whether he is a developer, sysadmin or DevOps. Debugging seems to be impossible without logs. As we know most applications generate logs for understanding that what is happening with the application, the same practice can be implemented for shell script as well. For generating logs we have a bash utility called logger.

declare DATE
check_file() {
     local FILENAME="$1"
     if ! ls "${FILENAME}" > /dev/null 2>&1
            logger -s "${DATE}: ${FILENAME} doesn't exists"
           logger -s "${DATE}: ${FILENAME} found successfuly"
check_file "/etc/passwd"


I like to name my variables in Capital letters with an underscore, In this way, I will not get confused with the function name and variable name. Never give a,b,c etc. as a variable name instead of that try to give a proper name to a variable as well just like functions.

# Use declare for declaring global variables
declare GLOBAL_MESSAGE="Hey, I am a global message"
# Use local for declaring local variables inside the function
message_print() {
    local LOCAL_MESSAGE="Hey, I am a local message"
    printf "Global Message:- ${GLOBAL_MESSAGE}\n"
    printf "Local Message:- ${LOCAL_MESSAGE}\n"


Cases are also a fascinating part of shell script. But the question is when to use this? According to me if your shell program is providing more than one functionality basis on the arguments then you should go for cases. For example:- If your shell utility provides the capability of installing and uninstalling the software.

print_message() {
    echo "${MESSAGE}"
case "$1" in
      print_message "Input Message"
        print_message "Output Message"
       print_message "Debug Message"
      print_message "Wrong Input"

In this blog, we have covered functions, variables, the lifespan of a script, logging, help page, command sanity. I hope these topics help you in your daily life while using the shell script. If you have any feedback please let me know through comments.
Cheers Till the next Time!!!!

Linux Namespaces – Part 1


First of all I would like to give credit to Docker which motivated me to write this blog, I’ve been using docker for more then 6 months but I always wondered how things are happening behind the scene. So I started in depth learning of Docker and here I am talking about Namespace which is the core concept used by Docker.

Before talking about Namespaces in Linux, it is very important to know that what namespaces actually is?

Let’s take an example, We have two people with the same first name Abhishek Dubey and Abhishek Rawat but we can differentiate them on the basis of their surname Dubey and Rawat. So you can think surname as a namespace.

In Linux, namespaces are used to provide isolation for objects from other objects. So that anything will happen in namespaces will remain in that particular namespace and doesn’t affect other objects of other namespaces. For example:- we can have the same type of objects in different namespaces as they are isolated from each other.

In short, due to isolation, namespaces limits how much we can see.

Now you would be having a good conceptual idea of Namespace let’s try to understand them in the context of Linux Operating System.

Linux Namespaces

Linux namespace forms a single hierarchy, with all processes and that is init. Usually, privileged processes and services can trace or kill other processes. Linux namespaces provide the functionality to have many hierarchies of processes with their own “subtrees”, such that, processes in one subtree can’t access or even know those of another.
A namespace wraps a global system resource (For ex:- PID) using the abstraction that makes it appear to processes within the namespace that they have, using their own isolated instance of the said resource.

In the above figure, we have a process named 1 which is the first PID and from 1 parent process there are new PIDs are generated just like a tree. If you see the 6th PID in which we are creating a subtree, there actually we are creating a different namespace. In the new namespace, 6th PID will be its first and parent PID. So the child processes of 6th PID cannot see the parent process or namespace but the parent process can see the child PIDs of the subtree.

Let’s take PID namespace as an example to understand it more clearly. Without namespace, all processes descend(move downwards) hierarchically from First PID i.e. init. If we create PID namespace and run a process in it, the process becomes the First PID in that namespace. In this case, we wrap a global system resource(PID). The process that creates the namespace still remains in the parent namespace but makes it child for the root of the new process tree.
This means that the processes within the new namespace cannot see the parent process but the parent process can see the child namespace process. 
I hope you have got a clear understanding of Namespaces concepts & what purpose they serve in a Linux OS. The next blog of this series will talk about how we use namespace to restrict usage of system resources such as network, mounts, cgroups…