On-Premise Setup of Kubernetes Cluster using KubeSpray (Offline Mode) – PART 1

Today, most organizations are moving to Managed Services like EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Services), and AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services), for easier handling of the Kubernetes Cluster. With Managed Kubernetes we do not have to take care of our Master Nodes, cloud providers will be responsible for all Master Nodes and Worker Nodes, freeing up our time. We just need to deploy our Microservices over the Worker nodes. You can pay extra to achieve an uptime of 99.95%. Node repair ensures that a cluster remains healthy and reduces the chances of possible downtime. This is good in many cases but it makes it an expensive ordeal as AKS costs $0.10 per cluster per hour. You have to install upgrades for the VPC CNI yourself and also, install Calico CNI. There is no IDE extension for developing EKS code. it also creates a dependency on the particular Cloud Provider.

To skip the dependency on any Cloud Provider we have to create a Vanilla Kubernetes Cluster. This means we have to take care of all the components – all the Master and Worker Nodes of the Cluster by ourselves.

Here we got a scenario in which one of our client’s requirements was to set up a Kubernetes cluster over On-premises Servers, under the condition of no Internet connectivity. So I choose to perform the setup of the Kubernetes Cluster via Kubespray.

Why Kubespray?

Kubespray is a composition of Ansible playbooks, inventory,
provisioning tools, and domain knowledge for generic
OS/Kubernetes clusters configuration management tasks.
Kubespray provides a highly available cluster, composable
(choice of the network plugin for instance), supports most popular Linux distributions, and continuous integration tests

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3 Best Tools to Manage Your Kubernetes Cluster!

Kubernetes has become the new norm for container orchestration. But with this, its management brings in profound challenges for enterprises and DevOps teams planning to implement Kubernetes architecture within their organization. Here are 3 tools to manage a Kubernetes cluster. Take a look!

Kubernetes usage appears to be a popular pattern being adopted by enterprises these days. As per the 2021 Cloud-Native SurveyKubernetes, the dominant container orchestration program has reached its highest level ever, with 96% of organizations using or evaluating the technology.

Enterprises going cloud-native consider Kubernetes as one of the important elements contributing to the success of implementing a cloud-first strategy. Kubernetes is a system that helps with the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

If you’re planning to shift your business architecture to Kubernetes, then I’m sure Kubernetes management is the first thing that would come to your mind. So, let’s take a look at some of the popular Kubernetes management tools, here in this blog.

Continue reading3 Best Tools to Manage Your Kubernetes Cluster!

An Introduction to Kubernetes Architecture! 

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform used for running distributed applications and services at scale. Merely knowing the basics of Kubernetes won’t be sufficient enough in order to leverage the many advantages that it offers. It’s important to first understand the complete Kubernetes architecture, its components and how they interact with each other to know how Kubernetes actually works. Let’s take a brief look and explore how the different components of Kubernetes work together.

Kubernetes is the ideal solution for complete orchestration, scaling and deployment of containerized applications. You can also read about application containerization, Kubernetes API, Kubernetes API Gateway and much more here!
The What, Why, and How of Application Containerization
What is Kubernetes API?

Continue reading “An Introduction to Kubernetes Architecture! ”

A Quick Overview of Kubernetes Architecture!

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform used for running distributed applications and services at scale. Also known as “k8s” or “kube”, Kubernetes helps in automating manual and tedious activities involved in managing, deploying and scaling containerized applications.

Here’s a quick overview of Kubernetes architecture, its components and how they interact with each other. Let’s read this brief Kubernetes architecture explanation to learn and explore more on the different components of Kubernetes and how its components work together.

Continue reading “A Quick Overview of Kubernetes Architecture!”