Terraforming The Better Way: Part-I

We often face complications after a certain point when we can not change the foundation layer of our code because we haven’t thought it through and didn’t plan or strategize the way of writing code in the beginning, there are certain points which should be taken under consideration similarly there are some common mistakes which we should avoid.

Continue reading “Terraforming The Better Way: Part-I”

Unix File Tree Part-2

For those who have surfed straight to this blog, please check out the previous part of this series Unix File Tree Part-1 and those who have stayed tuned for this part, welcome back.In the previous part, we discussed the philosophy and the need for file tree. In this part, we will dive deep into the significance of each directory.

Image result for horizontal file tree linux

Dayum!! that’s a lot of stuff to gulp at once, we’ll kick out things one after the other.

Major directories

Let’s talk about the crucial directories which play a major role.

  • /bin: When we started crawling on Linux this helped us to get on our feet yes, you read it right whether you want to copy any file, move it somewhere, create a directory, find out date, size of a file, all sorts of basic operations without which the OS won’t even listen to you (Linux yawning meanwhile) happens because of the executables present in this directory. Most of the programs in /bin are in binary format, having been created by a C compiler, but some are shell scripts in modern systems.
  • /etc: When you want things to behave the way you want, you go to /etc and put all your desired configuration there (Imagine if your girlfriend has an /etc life would have been easier). whether it is about various services or daemons running on your OS it will make sure things are working the way you want them to.
  • /var: He is the guy who has kept an eye over everything since the time you have booted the system (consider him like Heimdall from Thor). It contains files to which the system writes data during the course of its operation. Among the various sub-directories within /var are /var/cache (contains cached data from application programs), /var/games(contains variable data relating to games in /usr), /var/lib (contains dynamic data libraries and files), /var/lock (contains lock files created by programs to indicate that they are using a particular file or device), /var/log (contains log files), /var/run (contains PIDs and other system information that is valid until the system is booted again) and /var/spool (contains mail, news and printer queues).
  • /proc: You can think of /proc just like thoughts in your brain which are illusions and virtual. Being an illusionary file system it does not exist on disk instead, the kernel creates it in memory. It is used to provide information about the system (originally about processes, hence the name). If you navigate to /proc The first thing that you will notice is that there are some familiar-sounding files, and then a whole bunch of numbered directories. The numbered directories represent processes, better known as PIDs, and within them, a command that occupies them. The files contain system information such as memory (meminfo), CPU information (cpuinfo), and available filesystems.
  • /opt: It is like a guest room in your house where the guest stayed for prolong period and became part of your home. This directory is reserved for all the software and add-on packages that are not part of the default installation.
  • /usr: In the original Unix implementations, /usr was where the home directories of the users were placed (that is to say, /usr/someone was then the directory now known as /home/someone). In current Unixes, /usr is where user-land programs and data (as opposed to ‘system land’ programs and data) are. The name hasn’t changed, but its meaning has narrowed and lengthened from “everything user related” to “user usable programs and data”. As such, some people may now refer to this directory as meaning ‘User System Resources’ and not ‘user’ as was originally intended.

Potato or Potaaato what is the difference? 

We’ll be discussing those directories which confuse us always, which have almost a similar purpose but still are in separate locations and when asked about them we go like ummmm…….

/bin vs /usr/bin vs /sbin vs /usr/local/bin

This might get almost clear out when I explained the significance of /usr in the above paragraph. Since Unix designers planned /usr to be the local directories of individual users so it contained all of the sub-directories like /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin. But the question remains the same how the content is different?


  • /usr/bin is a standard directory on Unix-like operating systems that contains most of the executable files that are not needed for booting or repairing the system. 
  • A few of the most commonly used are awk, clear, diff, du, env, file, find, free, gzip, less, locate, man, sudo, tail, telnet, time, top, vim, wc, which, and zip.


  • The /usr/sbin directory contains non-vital system utilities that are used after booting.
  • This is in contrast to the /sbin directory, whose contents include vital system utilities that are necessary before the /usr directory has been mounted (i.e., attached logically to the main filesystem). 
  • A few of the more familiar programs in /usr/sbin are adduser, chroot, groupadd, and userdel. 
  • It also contains some daemons, which are programs that run silently in the background, rather than under the direct control of a user, waiting until they are activated by a particular event or condition such as crond and sshd.

I hope I have covered most of the directories which you might come across frequently and your questions must have been answered.
Now that we know about the significance of each UNIX directory, It’s time to use them wisely the way they are supposed to be.
Please feel free to reach me out for any suggestions.
Goodbye till next time!

References: https://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/usr.htmlhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/130186/what-is-the-rationale-for-the-usr-directoryhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/308045/differences-between-bin-sbin-usr-bin-usr-sbin-usr-local-bin-usr-localhttp://index-of.es/Varios-2/How%20Linux%20Works%20What%20Every%20Superuser%20Should%20Know.pdf

Jenkins Pipeline Global Shared Libraries

When we say CI/CD as code, it should have modularity and reusability which results in Reducing integration problems and allowing you to deliver software more rapidly.

Jenkins Shared library is the concept of having a common pipeline code in the version control system that can be used by any number of pipelines just by referencing it. In fact, multiple teams can use the same library for their pipelines.

Our thought is putting all pipeline functions in vars is much more practical approach, while there is no other good way to do inheritance, we wanted to use Jenkins Pipelines the right way but it has turned out to be far more practical to use vars for global functions.

Practical Strategy
As we know Jenkins Pipeline’s shared library support allows us to define and develop a set of shared pipeline helpers in this repository and provides a straightforward way of using those functions in a Jenkinsfile.This simple example will just illustrate how you can provide input to a pipeline with a simple YAML file so you can centralize all of your pipelines into one library. The Jenkins shared library example:And the example app that uses it:

Directory Structure

You would have the following folder structure in a git repo:

└── vars
    ├── opstreePipeline.groovy
    ├── opstreeStatefulPipeline.groovy
    ├── opstreeStubsPipeline.groovy
    └── pipelineConfig.groovy

Setting up Library in Jenkins Console.

This repo would be configured in under Manage Jenkins > Configure System in the Global Pipeline Libraries section. In that section Jenkins requires you give this library a Name. Example opstree-library


Let’s assume that project repository would have a pipeline.yaml file in the project root that would provide input to the pipeline:Pipeline.yaml

SERVICE_NAME: opstree-service
DB_PORT: 3079


Then, to utilize the shared pipeline library, the Jenkinsfile in the root of the project repo would look like:

@Library ('opstree-library@master') _


So how does it all work? First, the following function is called to get all of the configuration data from the pipeline.yaml file:

def call() {
  Map pipelineConfig = readYaml(file: "${WORKSPACE}/pipeline.yaml")
  return pipelineConfig


You can see the call to this function in opstreePipeline(), which is called by the Jenkinsfile.

def call() {
    node('Slave1') {

        stage('Checkout') {
            checkout scm

         def p = pipelineConfig()

            serviceName = sh (
                    script: "echo ${p.SERVICE_NAME}|cut -d '-' -f 1",
                    returnStdout: true

        stage('Build & Test') {
                sh "mvn --version"
                sh "mvn -Ddb_port=${p.DB_PORT} -Dredis_port=${p.REDIS_PORT} clean install"

        stage ('Push Docker Image') {
            docker.withRegistry('https://registry-opstree.com', 'dockerhub') {
                sh "docker build -t opstree/${p.SERVICE_NAME}:${BUILD_NUMBER} ."
                sh "docker push opstree/${p.SERVICE_NAME}:${BUILD_NUMBER}"

        stage ('Deploy') {
            echo "We are going to deploy ${p.SERVICE_NAME}"
            sh "kubectl set image deployment/${p.SERVICE_NAME} ${p.SERVICE_NAME}=opstree/${p.SERVICE_NAME}:${BUILD_NUMBER} "
            sh "kubectl rollout status deployment/${p.SERVICE_NAME} -n ${p.ENVIRONMENT_NAME} "


You can see the logic easily here. The pipeline is checking if the developer wants to deploy on which environment what db_port needs to be there.


The benefits of this approach are many, some of them are as mentioned below:

  • How to write groovy code is now none of the developer’s perspective.
  • Structure of the Pipeline.yaml is really flexible, where entire data structures can be passed as input to the pipeline.
  • Code redundancy saved to a large extent.

 Jenkinsfiles could actually just look more commonly, like this:

@Library ('opstree-library@master') _

and opstreePipeline() would just read the the project type from pipeline.yaml and dynamically run the exact function, like opstreeStatefulPipeline(), opstreeStubsPipeline.groovy() . since pipeline are not exactly groovy, this isn’t possible. So one of the drawback is that each project would have to have a different-looking Jenkinsfile. The solution is in progress!So, what do you think?

Reference links: 
Image: Google image search (jenkins.io)

Best Practices of Ansible Role

I have written about Ansible Roles in my career. But when I talk about the “Best Practice of writing an Ansible Role”, half of them were not following the best practices.
When I started writing this blog, I had only limited knowledge of Ansible Roles and about the practices being followed. But reading more on Ansible roles has helped in enhancing my knowledge.
Without the proper understanding of the Architecture of Ansible Role, I was incapable of enjoying all the functionality for writing an Ansible Role. Earlier, I used “command” and “shell” modules for writing an Ansible Role. Here, in this blog, I’ve discussed the best practices of Ansible Role. Let’s
read these in detail.

Continue reading “Best Practices of Ansible Role”