ECS rollback with Jenkins Active Choice Parameter

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In our daily lives, we always have choices, which one to use.

That was a brief intro about what we are going to read today. Yes, choices!

In Jenkins, while defining parameters, we can mention whether it needs to be a string parameter, a choice parameter, etc. These parameters will work on the input that you are mentioning in your job while running it. For example, if you are asking the user to choose between options A or B, the user chooses the parameter, and then Jenkins runs the script with that parameter.

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The Rise of Containers: Comparing Amazon ECS and Google Kubernetes

Explore different tools & platforms for hassle-free and easy management of K8s clusters, here in this blog. Read further to know more!

The Rise of Containers

Today, it wouldn’t be wrong to consider containers and microservice-based architectures as key threads in the fabric of next-gen tools and technologies to modernize enterprise applications. The basic concept behind the approach is to replace traditional, monolithic app development with a Microservices architecture supported by the cloud, API-based services, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud-native storage.

But how easy is the adoption of these advanced tools? Do you have the basic foundation and setup for adopting containers and is your container strategy sustainable for the long haul? These are some of the many challenges that organizations face while adopting containers.

Continue reading “The Rise of Containers: Comparing Amazon ECS and Google Kubernetes”

A Comparison Between Various Container Orchestration Services! (ECS vs Kubernetes)

Container adoption is significantly increasing across various modern use cases, but it’s not a simple plug-and-play. Adopting containers becomes highly complicated, especially when it comes to executing them at scale as most enterprises have only limited skills and capabilities.

Many leading companies believe that Kubernetes is the first step to building scalable modern applications and they are adopting K8s to overcome container adoption barriers.

Spotify is one of these. Leveraging Kubernetes benefits, Spotify has observed significant cost-saving values as described in this case study. It has seen 2-3x CPU utilization by using the orchestration capabilities of K8s, resulting in better spend optimization.

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