AWS Gateway LoadBalancer: A Load Balancer that we deserve

Nowadays, LoadBalancing is one of the basic needs for the application systems to perform optimally while considering some important factors like- scalability and high availability. Every cloud is providing LBaaS (LoadBalancing as a Service) as an offering so the consumers don’t have to worry about the setup and management of load-balancers by themselves.

But it’s not like that cloud is offering a single type of load balancer for every use case because for different use-case we require a different type of load balancer. For example- we have different load-balancers for Layer4 and Layer7 level traffic.

Recently AWS had a new family member in their load-balancer family and they named it “Gateway Load Balancer“. So gateway load-balancer is a load-balancing service provided by AWS to send traffic to the different appliances, applications, firewalls, etc. that are not part of the current VPC.

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Learn everything about Amazon Cloudfront

Before going to Cloudfront functionality, we need to understand the CDN (Content delivery network) first, as Cloudfront is nothing but just a FAAS  (functions as a service) platform provided by AWS, which we generally relate to the content delivery network(Cloudfront) in AWS cloud service provider.

CDN(Content Delivery Network)

A CDN is kind of a geographically distributed group of servers that are attached so that they can communicate with each other and provide fast delivery of any content such as HTML pages, images, videos, etc. The popularity of CDN services is continuously growing among organizations such as Netflix, Facebook, and Amazon as their major web traffic is served through CDN.

Now, let’s take a deep understanding of how CDN works in the AWS Cloudfront service.

We could think of a CDN as an ATM. Having a cash machine on practically every corner makes it fast, immediate access, and efficient to get money. There’s no wait time in long bank lines to get our money in hand.

In today’s time, a large portion of all internet content is delivered through CDNs. Here is a simple example:

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The Rise of Containers: Comparing Amazon ECS and Google Kubernetes

Explore different tools & platforms for hassle-free and easy management of K8s clusters, here in this blog. Read further to know more!

The Rise of Containers

Today, it wouldn’t be wrong to consider containers and microservice-based architectures as key threads in the fabric of next-gen tools and technologies to modernize enterprise applications. The basic concept behind the approach is to replace traditional, monolithic app development with a Microservices architecture supported by the cloud, API-based services, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud-native storage.

But how easy is the adoption of these advanced tools? Do you have the basic foundation and setup for adopting containers and is your container strategy sustainable for the long haul? These are some of the many challenges that organizations face while adopting containers.

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AWS IAM: Security edition [part-2]

In the last blog, we covered a few and important security practices of AWS IAM but unfortunately, we didn’t cover many security options. So, we bring to you another AWS IAM blog. This blog covers the other remaining and also the important AWS IAM security options. So, it’s time to wear your ironman suit and get started with security edition part-2 [ The endgame ]. Here we go!

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AWS IAM: Best practices [Part 1]

In the last blog, we talked about why proper management is important for AWS IAM which is not only related to security but also paves an appropriate way of handling things.

Now we’ll discuss some approaches to manage IAM, how these approaches/practices will affect access management and by using an example, we will also discuss how we can include these practices in the existing or new setup. Let’s jump into these approaches and discuss these practices one by one.

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