Gitlab-CI with Nexus

Recently I was asked to set up a CI- Pipeline for a Spring based application.
I said “piece of cake”, as I have already worked on jenkins pipeline, and knew about maven so that won’t be a problem. But there was a hitch, “pipeline of Gitlab CI“. I said “no problem, I’ll learn about it” with a Ninja Spirit.
So for starters what is gitlab-ci pipeline. For those who have already work on Jenkins and maven, they know about the CI workflow of  Building a code , testing the code, packaging, and deploy it using maven. You can add other goals too, depending upon the requirement.
The CI process in GitLab CI is defined within a file in the code repository itself using a YAML configuration syntax.
The work is then dispatched to machines called runners, which are easy to set up and can be provisioned on many different operating systems. When configuring runners, you can choose between different executors like Docker, shell, VirtualBox, or Kubernetes to determine how the tasks are carried out.

What we are going to do?
We will be establishing a CI/CD pipeline using gitlab-ci and deploying artifacts to NEXUS Repository.

Resources Used:

  1. Gitlab server, I’m using gitlab to host my code.   
  2. Runner server, It could be vagrant or an ec2 instance. 
  3. Nexus Server, It could be vagrant or an ec2 instance.

     Before going further, let’s get aware of few terminologies. 

  • Artifacts: Objects created by a build process, Usually project jars, library jar. These can include use cases, class diagrams, requirements, and design documents.
  • Maven Repository(NEXUS): A repository is a directory where all the project jars, library jar, plugins or any other project specific artifacts are stored and can be used by Maven easily, here we are going to use NEXUS as a central Repository.
  • CI: A software development practice in which you build and test software every time a developer pushes code to the application, and it happens several times a day.
  • Gitlab-runner: GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your jobs and send the results back to GitLab. It is used in conjunction with GitLab CI, the open-source continuous integration service included with GitLab that coordinates the jobs.
  • .gitlab-ci.yml: The YAML file defines a set of jobs with constraints stating when they should be run. You can specify an unlimited number of jobs which are defined as top-level elements with an arbitrary name and always have to contain at least the script clause. Whenever you push a commit, a pipeline will be triggered with respect to that commit.

Strategy to Setup Pipeline

Step-1:  Setting up GitLab Repository. 

I’m using a Spring based code Spring3Hibernate, with a directory structure like below.
$    cd spring3hibernateapp
$    ls
     pom.xml pom.xml~ src

# Now lets start pushing this code to gitlab

$    git remote -v
     origin [email protected]:/spring3hibernateapp.git (fetch)
     origin [email protected]:/spring3hibernateapp.git (push)
# Adding the code to the working directory

$    git add -A
# Committing the code

$    git commit -m "[Master][Add] Adding the code "
# Pushing it to gitlab

$    git push origin master

Step-2:  Install GitLab Runner manually on GNU/Linux

# Simply download one of the binaries for your system:

$    sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner

# Give it permissions to execute:

$    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner 

# Optionally, if you want to use Docker, install Docker with:

$    curl -sSL | sh 

# Create a GitLab CI user:

$    sudo useradd --comment 'GitLab Runner' --create-home gitlab-runner --shell /bin/bash 

# Install and run as service:

$    sudo gitlab-runner install --user=gitlab-runner --working-directory=/home/gitlab-runner
$    sudo gitlab-runner start

Step-3: Registering a Runner

To get the runner configuration you need to move to gitlab > spring3hibernateapp > CI/CD setting > Runners
And get the registration token for runners.

# Run the following command:

$     sudo gitlab-runner register
       Runtime platform                                    arch=amd64 os=linux pid=1742 revision=3afdaba6 version=11.5.0
       Running in system-mode.                             

# Please enter the gitlab-ci coordinator URL (e.g.

# Please enter the gitlab-ci token for this runner:


# Please enter the gitlab-ci description for this runner:

[gitlab-runner]: spring3hibernate

# Please enter the gitlab-ci tags for this runner (comma separated):

       Registering runner... succeeded                     runner=ZP3TrPCd

# Please enter the executor: docker, docker-ssh, shell, ssh, virtualbox, docker+machine, parallels, docker-ssh+machine, kubernetes:


# Please enter the default Docker image (e.g. ruby:2.1):

       Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running already the config should be automatically reloaded!

# You can also create systemd service in /etc/systemd/system/gitlab-runner.service.

Description=GitLab Runner

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner "run" "--working-directory" "/home/gitlab-runner" "--config" "/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml" "--service" "gitlab-runner" "--syslog" "--user" "gitlab-runner"


Step-4: Setting up Nexus Repository
You can setup a repository installing the open source version of Nexus you need to visit Nexus OSS and download the TGZ version or the ZIP version.
But to keep it simple, I used docker container for that.
# Install docker

$    curl -sSL | sh

# Launch a NEXUS container and bind the port

$    docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus sonatype/nexus:oss

You can access your nexus now on http://:8081/nexus.
And login as admin with password admin123.

Step-5: Configure the NEXUS deployment

Clone your code and enter the repository

$    cd spring3hibernateapp/

# Create a folder called .m2 in the root of your repository

$    mkdir .m2

# Create a file called settings.xml in the .m2 folder

$    touch .m2/settings.xml

# Copy the following content in settings.xml

<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
    xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

 Username and password will be replaced by the correct values using variables.
# Updating Repository path in pom.xml


Step-6: Configure GitLab CI/CD for simple maven deployment.

GitLab CI/CD uses a file in the root of the repo, named, .gitlab-ci.yml, to read the definitions for jobs that will be executed by the configured GitLab Runners.
First of all, remember to set up variables for your deployment. Navigate to your project’s Settings > CI/CD > Variables page and add the following ones (replace them with your current values, of course):
  • NEXUS_REPO_URL: http://:8081/nexus/content/repositories/ 
  • NEXUS_REPO_USER: admin
  • NEXUS_REPO_PASS: admin123

Now it’s time to define jobs in .gitlab-ci.yml and push it to the repo:

image: maven

  MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: "-s .m2/settings.xml --batch-mode"
  MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=.m2/repository"

    - .m2/repository/
    - target/

  - build
  - test
  - package 
  - deploy

    - build      
  stage: build
    - mvn compile

    - build
  stage: test
    - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS test
    - echo "The code has been tested"

    - build
  stage: package
    - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    - echo "Packaging the code"
      - target/*.war
    - master  

    - build
  stage: deploy
    - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    - echo "installing the package in local repository"
    - master

Now add the changes, commit them and push them to the remote repository on gitlab. A pipeline will be triggered with respect to your commit. And if everything goes well our mission will be accomplished.
Note: You might get some issues with maven plugins, which will need to managed in pom.xml, depending upon the environment.
In this blog, we covered the basic steps to use a Nexus Maven repository to automatically publish and consume artifacts.

jgit-flow maven plugin to Release Java Application


As a DevOps I need a smooth way to release the java application, so I compared two maven plugin that are used to release the java application and in the end I found that Jgit-flow plugin is far better than maven-release plugin on the basis of following points:
  • Maven-release plugin creates .backup and files to your working directory which can be committed mistakenly, when they should not be. jgit-flow maven plugin doesn’t create these files or any other file in your working directory.
  • Maven-release plugin create two tags.
  • Maven-release plugin does a build in the prepare goal and a build in the perform goal causing tests to run 2 times but jgit-flow maven plugin builds project once so tests run only once.
  • If something goes wrong during the maven plugin execution, It become very tough to roll it back, on the other hand jgit-flow maven plugin makes all changes into the branch and if you want to roll back just delete that branch.
  • jgit-flow maven plugin doesn’t run site-deploy
  • jgit-flow maven plugin provides option to turn on/off maven deployment
  • jgit-flow maven plugin provides option to turn on/off remote pushes/tagging
  • jgit-flow maven plugin keeps the master branch always at latest release version.
Now let’s see how to integrate Jgit-flow maven plugin and use it

How to use Jgit-flow maven Plugin for Release

Follow the flowing steps
    1. Add the following lines in your pom.xml for source code management access
    2. Add these line to resolve the Jgit-flow maven plugin and put the other option that will be required during the build

Above code snippet will perform following steps:

    • Maven will resolve the jgitflow plug-in dependency
    • In the configuration section, we describe how jgit-flow plug-in will behave.
    • pushRelease XML tag to enable and disable jgit-flow from releasing the intermediate branches into the git or not.
    • keepBranch XML tag to enable and disable the plug-in for keep the intermediate branch or not.
    • noTag XMl tag to enable and disable the plug-in to create the that tag in git.
    • allowUntracked XML tag to whether allow untracked file during the checking.
    • flowInitContext XML tag is used to override the default and branch name of the jgit-flow plug-in
    • In above code snippet, there is only two branches, master from where that code will be pulled and a intermediate branch that will be used by the jgit-flow plug-in. as I have discussed that jgit-flow plug-in uses the branches to keep it records. so development branch will be created by the plug-in that resides in the local not remotely, to track the release version etc.
  1. To put your releases into the repository manager add these lines
        <id><auth id></id>
        <url><repo url of repository managers></url>
        <id><auth id></id>
        <url><repo url of repository managers></url>
  2. Put the following lines into your m2/settings.xml with your repository manager credentials

Start Release jgit-flow maven plugin command

To start the new release execute jgitflow:release-start.

Finish Release jgit-flow maven plugin  command

To finish new release, execute mvn jgitflow:release-finish.
For a example I have created a repository in for testing and two branch master-test and deploy-test. It is assumed that you have configured maven and git your system.

In the deploy-test branch run following command
$ mvn clean -Dmaven.test.skip=true install jgitflow:release-start

This command will take input from you for release version and create a release branch with release/. then it will push this release branch into github repository for temporarily because we are not saving the intermediate branched

Now At the end run this command
$ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true jgitflow:release-finish
after finishing this command it will delete release/ from local and remote.

Now you can check the changes in pom file by jgitflow. in the above snapshot, it is master-test branch, you can see in the tag it has removed the snapshot and also increased the version.  It hold the current version of the application.

And in the deploy-test branch it show you new branch on which developers are working on

Automation tips and tricks

As promised I’m back with the summary of cool stuff that I’ve done with my team in Build & Release domain to help us deal with day to day problems in efficient & effective way. As I said this month was about creating tools/utilities that sounds very simple but overall their impact in productivity & agility of build release teams and tech verticals was awesome :).

Automated deployment of Artifacts : If you have ever worked with a set of maven based projects that are interdependent on each other, one of the major problem that you will face in such a setup is to have the latest dependencies in your local system. Here I’m assuming two things you would be using a Maven Repo to host the artifacts & the dependencies would be SNAPSHOT dependencies if their is active development going on dependencies as well. Now the manual way of making sure that maven repo will always have the latest SNAPSHOT version is that every-time somebody does change in the code-base he/she manually deploy that artifact to maven repo. What we have done is that for each & every project we have created a Jenkins job that check if code is checked in for a specific component & if so that component’s SNAPSHOT version get’s deployed to maven repo. The impact of these utilities jobs was huge as now all the developers doesn’t have to focus on deploying their code to maven repo & also keeping track of who last committed the code was also not needed.

Log Parser Utility : We have done further improvement in our event based log analyzer utility. Now we also have a simple log parser utility through which we can parse the logs of a specific component & segregate the logs as per ERROR/WARN/INFO. Most importantly it is integrated with jenkins so you can go to jenkins select a component whose log needs to be analyzed, once analysis is finished the logs are segregated as per our configuration(in our case it is ERROR/WARN/INFO) after that in the left bar these segregations are shown with all the various instances of these categories and user can click on those links to go exactly at the location where that information is present in logs

Auto Code Merge : As I already told we have a team of around 100+ developers & a sprint cycle of 10 days and two sprints overlap each other for 5 days i.e first 5 days for development after tat code freeze is enforced and next 5 days are for bug fixing which means that at a particular point of time there are 3 parallel branches on which work is under progress one branch which is currently deployed in production second branch on which testing is happening and third branch on which active development is happening. You can easily imagine that merging these branches is a task in itself. What we have done is to create an automated code merge utility that tries to merge branches in a per-defined sequence if automatic merge is successful the merge proceeds for next set of branches otherwise a mail is sent to respective developers whose files are in conflict mode

Hope you will get motivated by these set of utilities & come up with new suggestions or point of improvements