All Redis Setup Under 7 Minutes!

Redis is a popular open-source in-memory database that supports multiple data structures like strings, hashes, lists, and sets. But similar to other tools, we can scale standalone Redis to a particular extent, but not beyond that. That’s why we have a cluster mode setup in which we can scale Redis nodes horizontally and then distribute data among those nodes.

Generally, we categorize the Redis setup into three different types:

  • Standalone
  • Leader-Follower (Replication)
  • Leader-Leader(Sharding)

Standalone Setup

In a Standalone setup, the complexity is minimal, but we cannot scale the solution if the data increases. Also, the fail-over and high availability will not be supported inside it.

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Praeco Alerting for ElasticSearch (Part -1)

Praeco is an open-source tool for alerting Elasticsearch. It can build the alert for elasticsearch in an interactive query builder. A preview of the result will be shown in charts. This tool has an easy installation & configuration process which we will learn further in this blog. We can receive alerts on commonly used channels like slack, email, and many more.

This will have two parts- first, we install & configure the Praeco; in the second part, we learn – how to create an alert?

Why do we use this over others?

In terms of open-source tools which are used for alerting in elasticsearch the most popular option is elastalert. In this creating an alert is a very hectic process because one has to write YAML which can be sometimes frustrating for those who don’t know the syntax.

Now we have to search for other options, which leads us to Praeco. This provides an interactive GUI to create the alert condition and hassle-free integration with alert channels.

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Kubernetes: DaemonSet

Kubernetes is one of the widely used orchestration tools for container application and container management. With a variety of features and options, it helps organizations remove manual intervention at every stage. With lots of requirements & scenarios, the user or any organization deals with lots of Kubernetes resources types options which leads to having proper knowledge of every Kubernetes resources type to fit specific or combination of resources with different scenarios that organizations generally require. To know more about different Kubernetes resource types, you can visit the official documentation provided by Kubernetes.

This blog will cover one of the Kubernetes resources which are only used for a specific use-case. There are multiple resources where we can leverage those resources at specific use-case, but for now, we are only focusing on DaemonSet which is very important and has a unique functionality that we cannot cover by using another pod controller.
cute daemon
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Learn How to Control Consul Resources Using ACL

When we talk about service mesh, consul is one of the open-source tools which is widely used as a service discovery for multiple ephemeral or non-ephemeral resources. There are multiple consuls [service mesh] alternatives which are used as a service discovery but we won’t be discussing service discovery & alternative comparisons here.

If we talk about consul, it is not only used as a service mesh but also provides multiple options and features other than a service mesh. Yes, you heard it right, this lad can do lots of things that we didn’t know or haven’t explored yet.

Let’s talk about some of the options or features provided by the consul and further, we will discuss some of the aspects and impact of things provided by the consul.

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JQ – The JSON Processor

Tired of filtering semi-structured data from command output? What if I tell you can easily filter from structured or unstructured document data. Yes, you heard it right, we are talking about JSON [JavaScript Object Notation]. JSON is a text-based data format programming language that is used to serialize and transmitting structured or unstructured data or we can say semi-structured data over a network connection.

But Why Json ?

We generally think JSON means data provided general output from any API. But, if we talk about any technology, JSON is a very common programming language or we can say format, which is used as the output format of any resource. While using DevOps tools like Docker, Ansible, or any other tool, we generally get the output in JSON format when we use any output command like Docker inspect or Ansible facts gather.

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