OpenVPN – A Custom Iptables journey

During this lockdown period, people are usually working from home which means they all are contributing to work by staying at home. So, if someone wants to work on something online, such as on a particular private or public server of a company, depending on the scenario, will need a network route to that server.

makes sense?

Meaning, they first need access to that particular server either via a public network or using VPN. These things have their own set of complexities. Therefore, we will discuss a few aspects of network access & their drawbacks:

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VPN Services Comparison- How to find the best VPN for your business?

VPNs are a great way to securely connect your private networks. They are even used to mask your public IP, so that you can access a public server without getting traced. There are a number of VPN offerings in the market ranging from open-source to proprietary software, self-managed to VPN-as-a-service, and with a huge range of features.

I recently got an assignment to get the best offering in the market. Best is a vague term. An Open-source VPN covering all the basic functionalities can be best for a simple implementation . Or a proprietary VPN having a lot of simplicity and customisation can be best for a medium or high budget implementation. So, I decided to compare different offerings in the market. Complete open-source VPNs are out of the scope.

Here are the things I kept in my mind before starting:

Continue reading “VPN Services Comparison- How to find the best VPN for your business?”

That’s Why Iptable Is Not A Good Fit For Domain Name?


Let’s first talk about how it all started with and what we achieved.

It’s all started with a healthy discussion with a team where our team members were discussing many aspects of different fields of technology. So, one of our colleagues mentioned OpenVPN. So, we discussed the different working field, architecture, workflow of OpenVPN, in which role of iptables comes into the picture because for Linux architecture, OpenVPN support iptables as it’s primary firewall utility or can say OpenVPN support iptables as it’s a firewall for filtering workflow.

So in-between discussion, I mentioned that I am using iptables in OpenVPN to block traffic for the domain name and it is working fine. So, my colleague asked me about how you implemented & how is it possible to use iptables for domain and they discussed multiple logical explanations like OSI layer support and many other things. So, we decided to do POC of this discussion and try to write-up some blog or points to make clear that is it possible use iptables for the domain name and if not, what are the area that we can cover with iptables for the domain name and try to cover up flaws of this. Continue reading “That’s Why Iptable Is Not A Good Fit For Domain Name?”